Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Astral Pack 6

I am too lazy to come up with a creative title today, so you’re going to have to live with that.  Astral Packs have become almost a tradition to wishlist whatever you would like to see in a higher rarity to help make your deck beautiful.  As always, this is a list of what I want to appear in Astral Pack 6 and reasoning as to why I believe it should be there.  Feel free to post your own hopes and dreams for Astral Pack 6 in the comments below.

Ultimates (3)

Abyss Dweller – While this card has long deserved a reprint, and I am personally a little surprised it has not seen one yet, this would look amazing in ultimate.  I am of the opinion this would cure the market for this card as well, as a lot of players would want the ultimate and would then be willing to move their supers, causing a flood of supply.  It would go well with the other commonly played XYZ monsters that have gotten the ultimate treatment as well, Maestroke the Symphony Djinn, Gagaga Cowboy, and at the time Photon Papilloperative.

Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree – While this card does not need a reprint, given the colors on the image, it would look absolutely perfect with the ultimate rare treatment.  Another reason it could actually occur, is that Konami always seems to be a few months behind in foiling cards that actually see play.  Given that Leo has seen play since back during Mermails, it is not farfetched to think that this could happen.

Raigeki – It would look pretty cool if they do a Lightning Vortex esque look to it.  I know Raigeki has been printed in virtually every rarity except for Ultimate and Ghost, but that does not mean it would not look any less cool, and it would go well with your Pot of Duality that just came in the last Astral Pack.

Supers (10)

Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands – Manju has seen a number of reprints through the years after its initial release as a short print common in Invasion of Chaos all the way back in 2005.  Remarkably, all four subsequent printings have been as a common as well.  With the popularity swarming around rituals, because of the pending release of Nekroz; what better time to release it in foil?

Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss – I picked Scarm out of the first three Burning Abyss monsters released (Scarm, Cir, and Graff), as I believe it will be one of those to get foiled first.  I do not have a preference which will occur first, but I believe they will do one in each Astral Pack similar to how Mermails/Geargias had one per pack.

Senju of the Thousand Hands – Senju, like its counterpart Manju, has seen a number of reprints over the years after its initial release long ago in Magic/Spell Ruler.  Again, the popularity of Nekroz gives this card the green light to be foiled.

Shaddoll Hedgehog – I picked Hedgehog, because of it not even being a rare, but insert whichever Shaddoll monster you would like to see foiled here.  It seems pretty highly likely that they would foil something out of the deck.

Swap Frog – Give the people what they want Konami.  They have been begging for this card in super in virtually every Turbo Pack that I can ever remember, and I cannot believe in all honesty that we have gotten to Astral Pack 6 and we still have not seen this thing super.  Remember Gemini Spark in AP01?  Swap Frog has to happen eventually.

Summoner’s Art – It is completely unreasonable to think that after this card has reached such lofty heights as just a rare that is only played in one deck that Konami will not step in and drop the market.  Konami does not gain anything from cards like this being worth money, since they are clearly no longer producing Tactical Evolution.  That all said, I would not be surprised if this card is limited to one shortly before or after its reprint is produced.

The Monarchs Stormforth – The cards with the most unfair mechanics in the game are generally cards that allow you to do things using your opponent’s monsters that you normally would not be able to do.  Cite examples in Change of Heart, Brain Control, Mind Control, Snatch Steal, for a time Soul Exchange and now the Monarchs Stormforth.  The Monarchs Stormforth dwarves Soul Exchange in virtually all aspects of application.  In my mind, the Monarchs Stormforth is well deserving of a spot in at least the super rare lineup of the set.

Fairy Wind – While I find it a little unlikely that Fairy Wind will be in this Astral Pack, just because I do not believe that enough time has passed where it has seen significant play.  That said, it does not deserve the reprint any less.  Its value is currently inflated, it is seeing a lot of play at the moment, everything makes sense for Fairy Box to get reprinted.

Light-Imprisoning Mirror – Both Light-Imprisoning and Shadow-Imprisoning are overdue for foil reprints.  All of the other versions have risen in price, I would not be surprised if Konami came in to control the secondary market slightly and foil a popular card at the same time.

Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror – See the explanation for Light-Imprisoning Mirror.

I will not go through the commons one by one, but just to give you an idea of what commons I’d like to see included, they are, Secret Village of the Spellcasters, Preparation of Rites, Miracle Fusion, Masked HERO Acid, Crusader of Endymion, and Decoy Dragon.

Hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts on the upcoming Astral Pack 6 and do not forget to leave your thoughts on the pack below J

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